Questions to Ask Before Starting Your New Lash Business

It’s an exciting time - you have completed your lash training in Wadebridge and made the decision to begin your own lash extension business! Though you may want to hop online and start offering out your services immediately, keep in mind that before you can start bringing in paying clients, there is still the matter of the nitty gritty. Don’t worry, you are going to get there, but here are some of the questions to ask yourself before jumping in head first.

Have You Completed a Lash Training Course?

This may sound like we’re having a laugh, and if it does then that is great news, it means you have likely completed your lash training in Wadebridge course and are ready for the next step.Legally speaking, there is no specific license you need to do eyelash extensions in the UK as of summer 2022. While many people have taught themselves how to do lash extensions, that doesn’t mean they’re qualified to practice on clients. Taking a lash training course in Wadebridge ensures you’re up-to-date on the latest techniques, you’ve acquired the knowledge and information to walk your clients through the process, and you won’t hurt them or their eyes.Most importantly, completing a lash training course in Wadebridge is more than likely to be required for your public liability insurance, which protects you in cases of compensation claims made against your business. 

Have You Set Aside Enough Money for Startup Costs?

Though the up front costs for the supplies of a lash extension business are not too steep on their own, it is good to keep in mind that there are a lot of other fees and expenses to take into account before opening up your own business. If you have any questions about the initial fees, feel free to contact your local studio for  lash training in Wadebridge, for now let’s take a look at a two of the biggest costs that you are likely to incur before you even open. 


Running a business from your own home is not always the best way to go. Maybe you have a crowded home, or maybe you do not have the extra space required to run a successful and professional business, and you are in need of a rental space to give your clients the best experience possible. 

Marketing Strategy

If you want to run a successful and professional business like being the number one location for lash training in Wadebridge, you are going to want to make sure you have the basics to help potential clients better recognise you. This includes things like branding, social media marketing your website, email marketing, and so much more. Marketing is key when it comes to running a successful business, and odds are you may need to hire a helping hand as it can be a fulltime job by itself.

Do You Have a Business License?

Just like your local studio for lash training in Wadebridge has done, when you are opening your own legitimate business it is mandatory that you obtain a business license. There are certain rules and regulations that must be followed and the last thing you want when you are starting up is to get hit with a heavy fine that could potentially sink you before you get your head above water. 

Do You Have Any Clients?

The best way to begin bringing in clients to your new lash business is to have previously established a loyal clientele. It is recommended that before diving in head first and opening your own lash business, you start off doing lash extensions on the side. You can get started by offering your services at a discounted rate or even free to friends and family. Once you have a proven track record with photos, testimonials and even word of mouth to get you up and running it will be much easier to bring new clients into your new studio. Lash techs are in demand which in turn means that there is some heavy competition out there. People want to see what they are paying for before they take the plunge. 

If you are interested in starting your own lash business and have not yet taken a course on lash training in Wadebridge, get in touch!