Microblading: Transforming Your Eyebrows for a Flawless Look in Cornwall

Whether you love keeping up with the newest makeup trends, or you’ve been looking for a solution to sparse, uneven brows, then you’ve probably heard of microblading. Microblading is a technique that offers you the opportunity to achieve impeccably shaped and defined eyebrows that instantly frame the face. Considering microblading? Then you’re in luck, because Cornwall is home to some of the nation’s best brow technicians who specialise in this exciting technique. 

What is Microblading?

Microblading is one of the fastest growing eyebrow trends, and in recent years it has taken Cornwall by storm. This semi-permanent cosmetic procedure is used to enhance the appearance of your eyebrows, by using a specialised tool with small, fine needles to create hair-like strokes on the skin's surface. These strokes are then filled with pigments that mimic the appearance of natural eyebrow hairs, resulting in a fuller and more defined eyebrow shape.

It's important to choose a trained and experienced microblading artist who follows proper hygiene and safety procedures, to ensure the best possible outcome and reduce the risk of complications.

What to Expect During Your Microblading Session

During your microblading session, your brow technician will take you through a number of steps: 

  • Consultation: You’ll discuss your desired eyebrow shape, colour and style with your artist. They’ll then assess your natural eyebrow hair and facial features to determine the most suitable approach.

  • Mapping and Design: The artist will then use a pencil or a cosmetic pen to outline the desired eyebrow shape, taking into consideration your facial structure and symmetry. 

  • Numbing: A topical numbing cream is then applied to the eyebrow area to minimise discomfort during the procedure.

  • Microblading: Your brow technician will then use the microblading tool to create fine, shallow incisions on the skin's surface, following the mapped-out design. Pigment is then applied to the strokes, allowing them to absorb into the skin. Pigment will be carefully chosen to match your natural eyebrow colour or desired shade, taking into account complex beauty treatment elements like permanent makeup colour theory. Your artist may use different pigment colours to achieve a more natural and dimensional look.

Microblading is considered semi-permanent because the pigment will gradually fade over time due to the skin's natural exfoliation process. The longevity of the results varies from person to person, but touch-up sessions are typically recommended every one to two years to maintain the desired look.

How to Care for Your New Brows 

To make sure that your fresh brows heal properly and stay looking perfect for longer, the correct aftercare following your appointment is crucial. Here are some of our top aftercare tips:

  1. Follow the artist’s instructions: Your brow technician should give you specific aftercare instructions that are tailored to your skin and the pigments used. Follow these closely to ensure optimal results. 

  2. Keep your brows clean: Gently clean your new brows with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser and water, using clean hands or a cotton pad. Doing this twice a day will help you to remove any ointments, excess pigment or lymph fluid that may have accumulated following your treatment. 

  3. Avoid water, sweat and moisture: For the first week or so after your treatment, you should avoid exposing your microbladed brows to water or moisture. Avoid swimming pools, saunas and steam rooms, and make sure to hold off on strenuous exercise. 

  4. Be patient: During the healing process, your brows might look a little darker than desired. If this happens, don’t worry! Over time, the skin will heal, and the pigment will settle, so you’ll soon be left with the soft, natural-looking brows you’ve been dreaming of.

By finding a reputable brow artist, understanding the microblading process and taking the time to carry out the correct aftercare, you can effortlessly elevate your look with beautiful brows.